Friday, April 22, 2005

Dumb Like A Trader

Seems like only yesterday they were at each other's throats. An interesting overview of the history of relations between the NYSE and Archipelago.

The article contains what has to be the contender for the quote of the year - "Its nice to know in a changing world that people can still be bought." That comes from Thomas Caldwell who was party of Thain's study group. Interesting side note reading between the lines, the article says that Thain had the Archipelago deal in his "back pocket" months ago. While his friend Caldwell was buying up NYSE memberships.

Hmmm, seat prices have gone from a low of a million earlier this year to a high of 2.8 million on April 22.

All of this is from Forbes, and not verified, but just how many seats did Caldwell buy?


Dumb Like A Trader -