The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the release of an online tool to help companies calculate registration fees for certain form submissions to EDGAR, the SEC’s electronic database of financial reports and other filings. The new tool is intended to improve the accuracy of fee calculations and minimize the need for corrections.
The Registration Fee Estimator, created by the Filing Fees Branch in the SEC’s Office of Financial Management, is available at:
The new online tool covers the most common filings companies use to register initial public offerings, debt offerings, asset-backed securities, closed-end mutual funds, limited partnerships, and small business investment companies. The tool prompts users to enter data based on the type of filing and the applicable fee rules and provides suggestions for completing required fee tables based on the data entered.
The tool is intended to assist filers in estimating filing fees and provide general guidance on completing the related fee tables. However, the Office of Financial Management reminds users that the tool should not be relied upon as an official SEC calculation or verification of these filing fees. Filers will remain responsible for paying all required fees and accurately including all required information in their filings.
Future versions of the Registration Fee Estimator will feature additional types of filings, including those filed annually by investment companies.
Filers with questions about the tool may call (202) 551-8989 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET or contact
SEC Press Release
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