Deloitte Japan Charged With Violating Auditor Independence Rules

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC (Deloitte Japan) will pay $2 million to settle charges that it issued audit reports for an audit client at a time when dozens of its employees maintained bank accounts with the client’s subsidiary. According to the SEC’s order, the accounts had balances that exceeded depositary insurance limits in violation of the SEC audit independence rules. Deloitte Japan’s former CEO Futomichi Amano and former reputation and risk leader and director of independence Yuji Itagaki settled related charges.
SEC Charges Former Senior Attorney at Apple With Insider Trading
The SEC filed insider trading charges against a former senior attorney at Apple whose duties included executing the company’s insider trading compliance efforts.
Cognizant and Two Former Executives Charged With FCPA Violations
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation has agreed to pay $25 million to settle charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and two of the company’s former executives were charged for their roles in facilitating the payment of millions of dollars in a bribe to an Indian government official.
SEC Files Charges in Elaborate Microcap Stock Fraud
Charges have been announced against four individuals and related businesses for their roles in two microcap frauds and unlawful securities offerings. In sum, the alleged illegal transactions resulted in proceeds of more than $25 million.
---The attorneys at Sallah Astarita & Cox include veteran securities litigators and former SEC Enforcement Attorneys. We have decades of experience in securities litigation matters, including the defense of enforcement actions. We represent investors, financial professionals and investment firms, nationwide. For more information call 212-509-6544 or send an email to