That investigation will remain confidential, and could drag on for years. Investors in Luckin Coffee who have suffered losses should contact the attorneys at Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC to learn about their rights and potential remedies. With their experience as brokerage firm attorneys and SEC Enforcement attorneys, their partners have the knowledge and experience to address your concerns. Call 212-509-6544 for more information.
The Securities Law Blog has been providing investors, advisors and attorneys with news and expert commentary from top securities attorneys and regulators since 1995. Updated daily.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
SEC Opens Luckin Coffee Investigation
In early April Luckin Coffee announced that it was conducting an internal investigation over Chief Operating Officer Jian Liu's inflating of the company's sales figures. That apparently caught the attention of the SEC, as the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the SEC has launched an investigation.